Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy 100th birthday to the crossword puzzle!

By Merl Reagle, Published: November 27 | Updated: Saturday, November 30, 6:00 AM

On a snowy evening in the early 1900s, a newspaper editor at the New York World was hunched over his desk trying to think of something special for the Christmas issue.

Remembering the small word squares he’d solved as a young Brit in Liverpool, he drew a diamond-shaped grid with numbered squares and numbered clues. It contained 32 words, and his simple instruction read: “Fill in the small squares with words which agree with the following definitions.

The puzzle appeared Dec. 21, 1913, and what 42-year-old Arthur Wynne had created was the first crossword puzzle.

It was an instant success. Mail poured in. Readers didn’t mind that the first puzzle contained some very unusual words, such as NEIF, TANE, NEVA and NARD. Or that the word DOVE appeared twice, once clued as “a bird” and once as “a pigeon.” Or that the most unusual word was DOH, defined as “the fibre of the gomuti palm,” a clue that, if it appeared today, would elicit much the same reaction from solvers as it would from Homer Simpson.

Seeing the crossword’s popularity, Wynne pushed for the newspaper to copyright it, but his bosses, who included two of Joseph Pulitzer’s sons, considered the crossword a passing trifle. New York Times editorials labeled them a waste of time.

After just a few years, Wynne’s interest waned. He still made crosswords, but he also accepted reader submissions, becoming the country’s first crossword editor as well. By 1921, after eight years as captain of the crossword, Wynne handed the wheel to someone else.

That someone was a Smith grad named Margaret Petherbridge, a World secretary who had hopes of being a journalist. Like almost everyone on the staff, she was utterly uninterested in the crossword and simply picked the ones that had interesting shapes. She never tried solving one.

However, the paper’s most popular columnist, Franklin P. Adams, was an avid fan and began leaving his solved puzzles on Petherbridge’s desk, with the mistakes highlighted. Because the grids were a pain to create, the paper’s typesetters did their best to kill the crossword, running the clues in ever-decreasing tiny type and omitting some altogether.

After a year, Petherbridge had been shamed enough. She decided to try to solve a puzzle — and couldn’t. Rather than feel Adams’s glare, she set about organizing the puzzles in her files. Within months she had devised rules for crossword creators — amazingly, a list still followed today. She simplified the numbering system (Wynne had always numbered the ending square of each word as well as the starting square), stressed the use of common English words (obscure foreign terms had crept in), limited the black squares to one-sixth of the grid and, in essence, standardized the crossword puzzle.

From then on, puzzles that had a high degree of craftsmanship were first to be chosen. The crossword finally looked like a feature that was here to stay.

Then, in 1924, two Columbia grads decided they wanted to get into publishing. Crossword puzzles were more popular than ever, yet there had never been a collection in book form. So they enlisted Petherbridge and two colleagues to compile one: “The Cross Word Puzzle Book.” It sold 400,000 copies in only a few months.

Two more books followed, selling 2 million copies in two years. The two young publishers were Dick Simon and Max Schuster, and the first crossword book launched their careers.
And Petherbridge’s career. With the books, crosswords became a national phenomenon. Petherbridge married in 1926, becoming Margaret P. Farrar, and under that name she would go on to edit the Simon & Schuster crossword series for 60 years.

She called it her “inadvertent profession.” When she started in the 1920s she never expected such a seemingly genteel activity to be so controversial. The crossword craze killed mah-jong virtually overnight. (Mah-jong dealers put this note in the New Yorker: “Roses are red, violets are blue, we’d like to cut your throats for you.”)

There was a crossword-related news story in the New York papers almost every week: A Baptist preacher constructed a crossword for a sermon. A man refused to leave a restaurant until he finished a crossword and had to be escorted out by police. A Cleveland woman was granted a divorce because her husband was obsessed with crosswords. A Budapest waiter explained in a crossword why he was committing suicide; police were unable to solve it.
The Broadway show “Puzzles of 1925” had a skit in which crossword fans were depicted as patients in a sanitarium. Commuter trains started putting dictionaries in every car. The Los Angeles Public Library had to enforce a limit on how long you could use the dictionary.

England’s Queen Mary became a crossword fan. The Chicago Department of Health declared that crossword solving was beneficial to health and happiness. And thesaurus author Peter Roget was declared “the patron saint of cross-worders.”

All the while, the Times called crossword solving “a temporary madness,” serving “no useful purpose whatsoever,” and an “epidemic” that would soon be over.

In 1942 the Times finally gave in and hired Margaret P. Farrar as its first crossword editor.
So whatever happened to Arthur Wynne?

As readers of The Washington Post may know, I make the crossword for this magazine every Sunday. I live in Tampa, but in this age of instant everything, I just attach the puzzle in an e-mail and click “send.”

Such technology has made my puzzling life much less puzzling. And it was while surfing the Web in the 1990s that I found Wynne’s grainy Associated Press obit from the Jan. 17, 1945, Toronto Daily Star. It was one paragraph:

“Clearwater, Fla. (AP) — Arthur Wynn, credited with inventing the crossword puzzle, died Sunday. ... Wynn was born in Liverpool, England, and came to the U.S. 50 years ago to enter the newspaper business.”

First, I was stunned that the man who had invented a feature that was in nearly every newspaper in the world, even in 1945, was given such short shrift. Second, that they spelled his name wrong. And third, that he died in Clearwater. There I was, a lifelong puzzle guy in Tampa, reading that the man who invented the crossword puzzle had died 25 miles from where I was sitting.

Or, standing, since I had bolted out of the chair. I asked an editor friend at the St. Petersburg Times (now the Tampa Bay Times) to check its archives for articles. There were precious few, with nothing new.

I did know what most of us in the crossword world knew. Excellent books have been written about the crossword’s early days: “The Compleat Cruciverbalist,” “Creative Cruciverbalists” and “What’s Gnu?”

I knew that when Wynne was a boy he loved word games and the violin. He wanted to be a newspaperman, but his father, a newspaperman himself, forbade it. At 19, Arthur packed one bag and his violin, and with $30 in his pocket sailed to the United States. (Strangely, this mirrors my own life: At 20 I was a puzzle fan, played the organ and piano, and worked as a newspaper copy editor.)

Wynne found a newspaper job in Pittsburgh and played the violin in orchestras. Then he got the job at the World. He moved to Cedar Grove, N.J., and commuted every day. After inventing the crossword he became a frequent customer at New York’s famous Palm restaurant, where a wall caricature of him remains to this day. He worked for the Hearst papers in the 1930s. In 1941 he moved to Clearwater for health reasons and died four years later.

And that became the puzzle with no answer: Where was he buried? Somewhere in Tampa Bay? If so, is there a gravestone? Or was he transported to a family plot in Liverpool? Fifteen years later I still had no answer.

The break came in July this year. While surfing the Web, my wife, Marie, found the hometown obit of Wynne’s oldest daughter, Janet. It mentioned that there was another daughter living in Clearwater. Wynne had married a third time to a much younger woman and had fathered a child at 62. That daughter’s name was Catherine Wynne — they called her Kay — and she was 11 when her father died.

Her married name was Kay Wynne Cutler. She had turned 80 in April and was living in Clearwater. It took Marie only minutes to find her number and call. A bright-sounding woman answered. The conversation lasted 15 minutes. We tried not to show that we were giddy as kids in an ice cream parlor. We agreed to meet.

Kay walks with a cane but is sharp. She laughs easily. She brought articles about her father. As far as she knows she is the only one in the family who is a crossword fan.

She had the answer to my “grave” question. There was no burial site because there was no burial. Her father had been cremated. Kay says she was too young to know, but she thinks his ashes were scattered in the Gulf of Mexico. At the time, she was a student at Anona Elementary, a happy accident for the daughter of a puzzle creator — the name of the school is a palindrome.

Kay said her father used to say that he never made a penny off the crossword puzzle. In this, the 100th anniversary of his invention, I hope he can settle for recognition.

Merl Reagle is a professional puzzle author. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Party Down: 100 Years of the Crossword Puzzle

A conversation with Deb Amlen, New York Times crossword puzzler extraordinaire.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

In Fashion

The crossword became so popular, that commuter rail lines had dictionaries in every car. There was a Broadway show called “Puzzles of 1925″. And the roaring 20s wild style lead to inventive dresses with the puzzle as their fabric.

Rare French Fashion Plate

One Hundred Down

A proposal for giant crosswords to be erected at train stations to entertain
waiting passengers in 1925, as the craze swept the U.S.

by Tom Johnson | November 14, 2013

Crosswords bewitch, mislead, infuriate. They have a vocabulary all of their own; they play with language; they entertain, teach, mystify and tantalize. Once bitten by the crossword bug, a solver finds it difficult to avoid looking at life, words, context and meaning in a new and cryptic way.

A hundred years ago, on 21st December 1913, Arthur Wynne presented what is recognized as the first true crossword to the unsuspecting readership of the New York World. He continued to provide puzzles for the next 10 years without anyone following suit. Then, in 1923 two Harvard graduates, Robert Simon and Lincoln Schuster, launched their "Cross Word Puzzle Book". Its first edition sold out overnight and nine reprints soon followed.

The next year, the crossword crossed the Atlantic. In November 1924, one appeared in the Sunday Express, and a few months later the Daily Telegraph became the first British newspaper to publish a daily crossword. Though originally intended as a six-week series, it became a permanent fixture. From there, crosswords multiplied. The Times was forced to give way in 1930. Adrian Bell, (father of Martin, the white-jacketed BBC reporter) compiled this crossword, his first of over 4,500 for the paper. By 1932, they had become so popular that the Spectator could acknowledge that the crossword “had ceased to be a craze and become a habit.”

My own introduction to crosswords came through my parents, who were keen solvers of the Reader’s Crossword in the Birmingham Evening Mail. They explained to their eight-year-old son what an anagram was (I recall having problems with “rare” as an anagram of “rear”). My first professional crossword was published in October 1962 but it was with the arrival of the Puzzler magazine in the autumn of 1972 that my crossword career took off. This was an opportunity to compile “bread and butter” puzzles and earn a living from my hobby. I have since compiled over 2,000 puzzles for all 510 issues. Commissioned work was not without its annoyances in the early days. The Swiss founder of the magazine demanded that none of these coffee-break puzzles should include plurals, adverbs, past participles or present participles. I soon fell foul of these rules, he claimed, when one of my definitional crosswords was rejected on the grounds that it contained the solution “quadruped,” which was, in his view, a past participle.

So what is it that made me a crossword compiler, when the 1960s were swinging and the Beatles were conquering the world? Why was I curled up in my room, fascinated by placing letters in little white squares in a crossword grid? I’ll admit it: I am and always have been a nerd. My English teachers at King Edward’s School, Birmingham, instilled in me a love of words, and studying Latin was a joy as it explained so much about our language. My career as a modern languages teacher enabled me to enjoy words and grammar professionally, before I left the chalk-face in 2002 to become a full-time professional compiler.

If I tell you that my other hobby is buses—hence three of my other pseudonyms as a crossword compiler: Anorak, Busman and Gozo—you will then have a flavor of the man. Which other compiler can claim to have written the Malta Bus Handbook? Why do I keep print copies of all my published puzzles, just in case someone wants a complete collection? Why do I possess every copy of Buses magazine since April 1961?

Despite its American origins, the crossword, and above all the cryptic crossword, has become an especially British phenomenon. It is generally agreed that the development of the English language, with so many linguistic influences—among them, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Indian, Romance and European languages—has provided an elasticity which few other languages can boast. Consequently influential compilers of the 1930s were starting to play with our language as they prepared their clues and so the British cryptic crossword gradually evolved.

Abroad, puzzles are different. American puzzles tend to be purely definitional, frequently appearing in huge panels with a few loosely thematic solutions, but compiled on a grid in which every letter is cross-checked in a solution Across and Down. In Germany many puzzles fit into a large grid (sometimes with a photo of a celebrity whose name appears as one of the solutions) without black squares. Instead, clues (concise or abbreviated) appear in the squares where the black ones should be, with arrows indicating the direction in which the solution be entered.

Three early compilers developed the British cryptic crossword. Edward Powys Mathers, who assumed the pseudonym Torquemada (the first Inquisitor General of Spain in the 15th century), was attracted to crosswords in the autumn of 1924, but quickly dismissed the rudimentary definitional style of puzzle that had traveled from the US to Britain. Instead, he dreamed up a series of 12 puzzles with clues in couplets and a pictorial diagram. When the Observer invited him to provide a puzzle—he went on to compile 670 in total—he decided on compiling on barred grids (rather than blocked grids, those with black and white squares) in which most letters were cross-checked in the solutions Across and Down. His clues were like nobody else’s. His erudition meant that his solvers were challenged to complete abstruse quotations from English literature; solutions had to be entered backwards; words were arbitrarily divided in two to suit the demands of the puzzle; he developed the story crossword (“narratives” as he called them) in which the missing words in the story were the crossword solutions; his grids were asymmetrical. Edward Elgar and Austen Chamberlain were two of his greatest admirers.

As a contemporary of Torquemada, Prebendary Alistair Ferguson Ritchie of Wells Cathedral established his credentials as a compiler for the fearsome Listener crossword series. Some of his prewar puzzles attracted no correct entries. He dwelt on the theory and practice of crosswords and paved the way for a codification and standardization of the true cryptic crossword. His dictum—“You need not mean what you say, but you must say what you mean”—soon became the yardstick for any good clue.

Mathers died in 1939 and was succeeded by Derrick Somerset Macnutt as the principal compiler for the Observer. Just as Torquemada was followed by Ximenes in the Inquisition, so Macnutt assumed the pseudonym Ximenes. Considered the father of the modern crossword puzzle, Ximenes maintained that individual words should interlock fairly, that grids should not contain two or three consecutive unchecked letters and that a five-letter solution with only its second and fourth letters cross-checked was unfair to solvers, especially if these two letters were vowels. Just think how many words would fit into this five-letter pattern: _ A _ E _. Symmetry became a regular constituent of a Ximenes puzzle. “Is it entirely the look of the thing?” he once asked. “I think it is, very largely,” was his answer. And so it has remained ever since.

Individual compilers in the more recent past have influenced the development of the British crossword. From July 1971, the Spectator’s Jac (John Adelmare Caesar) single-handedly presented his own challenging thematic cryptic puzzles. Jac’s innovative approach was to offer a puzzle with “unclued lights” (solutions without clues) which solvers had to work out from the intersecting clued solutions in the grid, along with the cryptic help of the title. The Spectator continues to offer puzzles true to Jac’s style. Mass (Harold Massingham) and I (as Doc) were invited to join Jac in 1981. I now edit the series, too, with Columba (Antico in the Oldie), Dumpynose, Lavatch and Mr Magoo being the other team-members. Alec Robins (Custos in the Guardian, Zander in the Listener and as half of the Everyman series in the Observer) wrote the ground-breaking Teach Yourself Crosswords in 1975 which explained the appeal of and frustration of the British cryptic. Jonathan Crowther, as Azed in the Observer, succeeded Ximenes and has continued the tradition every Sunday since 1971. John Graham, as Araucaria in the Guardian and Cinephile in the Financial Times, broke away from the strict Ximenean rules to create his personal style, pushing the boundaries of cluing in cryptic puzzles, now carried on, especially, by his protégés John Henderson (Enigmatist) and John Halpern (Paul).

How do you compile a crossword? A compiler looks at English words and language in a new way, then presents his solvers with the challenge of interpreting his intentions. Why are you “happiest” when smashing “epitaphs”? During the Olympics last year, I could not refrain from imagining “Usain Bolt” carrying out his anagrammatical “ablutions” before a race. Similarly “Clare Short” has “orchestral” connections. Who but a crossword compiler would have realised that “White Christmas” has “hi-tech” hidden inside?

Compiling is dependent on the difficulty, style and standard of each puzzle. Most newspapers have a stock of standard grids for compilers to use. Other series (the Generalist in Prospect is among these) have no standard patterns and the compiler is free to devise the grid as they wish. When compiling the Generalist, I will always have decided on an interesting, arcane, archaic or amusing word or phrase to start off with and the grid evolves as I build up interlocking and cross-checking solutions. Sometimes I may hide a message in the puzzle. I did so in the October 2013 issue to commemorate the birth of my granddaughter. I always complete the grid before starting the cluing—though it may well be that a few of the solutions (especially in a cryptic puzzle) have been included because I have already dreamt up a “good” clue for them.

Cryptic crossword vocabulary has to be learnt. Everyday words adopt a wholly new meaning in clues—a river is a “flower,” in other words, something which “flows,” or it could be a “banker” as it has “banks”; a “topless gown” would lead to the solution “own,” because the initial letter has to be discarded.

All clues must indicate exactly what the word play is; there is usually a clear definition of the solution either at the start or end of the clue, the remaining segment being the cryptic references which constitute the word play. Thus the compiler “says what he means” to enable the solver to crack the wording of the clue. But overall, the clue will paint a picture which does not need to have any relevance at all to the solution and thus “may not mean what it says.”
I generally prepare clues in rough on paper. The availability of crossword compiling software which provides extensive word lists, grid-making facilities and anagram programs has certainly simplified compiling a puzzle, but in so doing has taken away the fun, challenge and mental satisfaction of working on a puzzle for yourself. So I still rely on my library of reference books and dictionaries. I do not consciously alter my style to suit my various pseudonyms. Rather, it is my pseudonym which associates me with an individual crossword series.

Will the crossword still be going strong when its 200th birthday rolls around in 2113? The future seems bright. Twenty and more years ago compilers met only rarely. Nowadays compilers, solvers and bloggers are in daily contact. The Internet has put a human face on the crossword world and has made a compiler’s life far less solitary. While other print publications are losing readers owing to the Internet, the joy of solving puzzles on paper remains.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ephemera Offers a Clue to Crossword Origins

By Will Shorty

Ephemera Society of America member, Will Shortz is a lucky man. As the New York Times crossword editor, and puzzlemaster for National Public Radio, he’s in the unusual position of having turned a hobby into his life’s work. He began creating crossword puzzles when he was 9 or 10 years old, selling them professionally when he was 14, and began collect antique puzzle books not long after. The rest is a seven-letter word beginning with “H” and ending with “Y”. This article originally appeared in Ephemera News, vol. 19, no. 4, Summer 2001.

More than 50 million Americans do crossword puzzles. At least one crossword appears in almost every American newspaper. For something so simple and ubiquitous, you might think it’s been around since ancient times, but in fact it’s a 20th-century American invention. The first puzzle generally accepted to be a crossword appeared in the Sunday “Fun” section of the old New York World on December 21, 1913.

“Fun” was a small, 8- to 16-page weekly color supplement of puzzles, jokes, riddles and cartoons. On the Sunday before Christmas in 1913, “Fun” editor Arthur Wynne fashioned a grid of interlocking words in the shape of a hollow diamond and dubbed the result a “Word Cross.”
The response from readers was immediate and enthusiastic, so Wynne made the “Word Cross” a regular feature. On its third week the puzzle’s compositor made a mistake, accidentally transposing the two words in the title — and the name “Cross-Word” (later a solid word) has remained ever since.

For a crossword collector like myself, Wynne’s first “Word Cross” is the Holy Grail. As far as I know, I own the only copy outside of an institution — part of an entire run of “Fun” (containing many varieties of original puzzles by Wynne) from 1911 to 1916.

At some point Wynne left the newspaper to serve in World War I. “Fun” was discontinued, but crosswords continued in the Sunday World Magazine, where they developed a following among the literary set.

In 1924 two young graduates of Columbia University’s Journalism School, Richard Simon and Max Schuster, were starting a publishing company. According to legend, Simon was having dinner with his Aunt Wixie, who requested a volume of crossword puzzles for her daughter — her daughter being a fan of the weekly challenges in the World.

Discovering that no such volume existed, they commissioned the World’s puzzle editors (a trio with the impressive names Prosper Buranelli, F. Gregory Hartswick, and Margaret Petherbridge) to edit such a book from a drawer full of unpublished manuscripts. The Cross Word Puzzle Book, released in April, was the first crossword book in the world, and the first book of any sort from the fledgling firm of Simon and Schuster. As a promotional gimmick, the book had a loop attached on the back cover with a Venus pencil inside it.

Sales took off immediately. The first printing of 3,600 copies sold out in a matter of weeks. A second printing did likewise. Then numerous printings of ever-increasing numbers followed. Two more volumes were rushed into print, and other publishers followed with their own. By the end of the year the Cross Word Puzzle Books ranked #1, #2, and #3 on the national nonfiction bestseller list, with 400,000 copies in print. Altogether, six of the top 10 volumes on the list were crosswords.

The success of the crossword books launched a nationwide craze, even more furious than the hula hoop, pet rocks and Beanie Babies.

Within a short time nearly every newspaper began publishing a daily crossword, sometimes offering thousands of dollars for solutions. Crossword dresses and jewelry sold briskly. Songs like Cross Word Mamma You Puzzle Me (But Papa’s Gonna Figure You Out) could be heard on the radio. The B&O Railroad installed unabridged dictionaries in its trains for the convenience of its crossword-solving passengers. On Broadway Elsie Janis starred in the revue Puzzles of 1925 in which one scene was set in a mock crossword sanitarium.

The years 1924-25 were a bonanza for the types of crossword ephemera I collect. Included are the first two crossword puzzle magazines, Fad, and the aptly titled Cross Word Puzzle Magazine.
The New York Herald Tribune hosted several crossword championships, from which programs and puzzles survive. Goodrich Tires, Battleship Coffee, Rumford Baking Powder, and other advertisers put out booklets of prize crosswords. McLoughlin Brothers published a crossword puzzle game for competitive play at parties.

Judge humor magazine devoted an entire issue, November 15, 1924, to crossword cartoons and humor. It was such a success that two more “Crossword Numbers” were published in early 1925. Raphael Tuck produced two series of colorful and funny crossword postcards. The Duncan Sisters sang Cross Word Puzzle Blues. I have both the record and the sheet music.
And, most unusual, I have two crossword quilts from 1925. One of them was an entry to a contest in the Chicago Tribune, in which the solver was supposed to submit answers to 48 crossword puzzles, one for each state in the union. All 48 of the contestant’s solutions are embroidered into the quilt, letter by letter, and the contestant’s filled-in entry form is pinned to the edge.

\Unlike other fads of the 20s, like raccoon coats and flagpole sitting, crossword puzzles had staying power. After the furor abated, some newspapers tried to drop the feature, but complaints were so numerous that the puzzles were quickly reinstated.

Meanwhile, Simon and Schuster continued publication of its crossword books at the rate of two or more volumes a year — a series that continues today with volume #220 and counting, making it the largest commercial book series of any kind ever published. I have all but 11 volumes in the series.

Other notable milestones were the founding of Dell Crossword Puzzles, in October 1931, the longest-running crossword magazine in America (I have over two-thirds of the issues); and the start of the famous New York Times crossword in its Sunday magazine on February 15, 1942.
Of special interest to me are crossword magazines published before 1970, of which I have literally thousands. I also collect crossword-related advertisements and articles (numerous), photos (not too many of these yet), and vanity license plates (just two so far).

The most unusual item in my collection is Williams Crossword pinball game, manufactured in 1959, which I keep in the basement of my house, still in perfect working order. It is always a hit with guests at parties.

The obvious question to any collector is “Why?” For me the old crosswords themselves are of historical interest only. Any crossword published before 1975 is probably too dry, bland, and out-of-date to engage solvers today. But I treasure the history. It’s valuable to me to see how crosswords developed into their modern form. Somebody needs to preserve the past before it’s lost. Also, I enjoy the historical items as artifacts, which someday I will show in a large book on the subject.

Finally, as a general matter, I appreciate how collecting crosswords leads rewardingly into so many areas of life, culture, and history, just as good crosswords themselves do.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader

The following is reprinted from The Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader

In the 1920s, a crossword puzzle craze swept the nation that drove some people over the edge: a man shot his wife when she wouldn't help him and another man killed himself leaving a suicide note in the form of a crossword puzzle. Here's the story of how crossword puzzles came to be and why it took over twenty years for The New York Times to convince itself to carry the puzzles.


Arthur Wynne was a writer for the game page of the New York World at the turn of the 19th century. One winter afternoon in 1913, while trying to think up new types of games for the newspaper's special Christmas edition, he came up with a way to adapt the "word squares" his grandfather had taught him when he was a boy. In a word square, all of the words in the square have to read the same horizontally and vertically, like the example below. But in the new puzzle Wynne came up with, the "across" words were different from the "down" words. It was more challenging, since there were more words to work on. Wynne's puzzle, which he called a "Word-Cross," debuted on Sunday December 21 as planned. And it was well-received. So many people wrote in to praise the puzzle that he put one in the paper the following Sunday and again on the third Sunday. (See if you can solve the World's First Crossword Puzzle)

Reversal of Fortune

Four weeks after the puzzle first appeared, typesetters at the newspaper inadvertently transposed the words in the title to read "Cross-Word." For some reason, the name stuck - and so did the puzzle. When the World tried to drop it a few months later, readers were so hostile that the paper reversed itself and decided to make it a permanent feature of the puzzle page instead. Though the puzzles were popular with readers, they were decidedly unpopular with editors. Crosswords were difficult to print and were plagued with typographical and other errors. In fact, no other newspaper wanted any part of them. So for the next 10 years, if you wanted to work on a crossword puzzle, you had to buy the World.

Enter Simon and Schuster

According to legend, in 1924 a young Columbia University graduate named Richard L. Simon went to dinner at his Aunt Wixie's house. A World subscriber and a cross-word devotee, she asked where she could buy a book of crossword puzzles for her daughter. Simon, who was trying to break into the publishing business with college chum M. Lincoln Schuster, told her there were no such books … and then hit on the idea of publishing one himself.
M. Lincoln Schuster (R) and Ricahrd L. Simon (L). Photo: Simon & Schuster 
The next day, he and Schuster went to the World's offices and made a deal with the paper's crossword puzzle editors. They would pick the newspaper's best crossword puzzles and pay $25 apiece for the rights to publish them in a book. The pair then used all their money to print The Cross Word Puzzle Book.

Hot off the Presses

It was literally an overnight success. The World's crossword puzzlers flocked to stores to get copies, and by the end of the year more than 300,000 crossword books had been sold. The book turned Simon & Schuster into a major publisher. (Today it's the largest U.S. publishing house and the second-largest publisher on earth). It also started a major craze. Crossword puzzles became a way of life in the 1920s. Newspaper started adding them to increase circulation. They inspired a Broadway hit called Games of 1925 and a hit song called "Crossword Mama, You Puzzle Me." Sales of dictionaries soared, and foot traffic in libraries increased dramatically. Clothes made with black-and-white checked fabric were the rage. The B&O Railroad put dictionaries on all of its mainline trains for crossword-crazy commuters.

Crossword Casualties

Some folks were driven over the edge by the craze. In 1924, a Chicago woman sued her husband for divorce, claiming "he was so engrossed in solving crosswords that he didn't have time to work." The judge ordered the man to "limit himself to 3 puzzles a day and devote the rest of his time to domestic duties." In 1925, a New York Telephone Co. employee shot his wife when she wouldn't help with a crossword puzzle. And in 1926, a Budapest man committed suicide, leaving an explanation in the form of a crossword puzzle. (No one could solve it.) Eventually, the craze died down. It took The New York Times to revive it. Today, The New York Times crossword puzzle is considered the puzzle of choice for hardcore addicts, but that hasn't always been true. Believe it or not, the Times resisted crosswords for more than two decades. Here's the story of how the newspaper changed its mind.

Hard Times

By the late 1930s, the crossword puzzle boom that started in 1924 had begun to fizzle - largely because the crossword puzzles in most newspapers had become predictable. They constantly repeat boring clues like "Headgear" (hat), "Writing instrument" (pen) and "Woody plant" (tree). But readers of The New York Times never got bored with their crossword puzzle … because the Times didn't have one. Then, as now, the Times considered itself America's "newspaper of record" and the guardian of journalistic standards. It scoffed at crossword puzzles as "a primitive form of mental exercise" in a1924 editorial, and refused to print them. Eighteen years later, it was one of the last puzzle holdouts among America's major newspapers.

All this and World War II

Still, the Times had crossword puzzle fans on its staff. Publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger is said to have loved crosswords almost as much as he hated having to buy copies of the rival New York Herald Tribune in order to get them. And as America teetered on the brink of war in the early 1940s, the mood at the paper began to change. Less than two weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Lester Markel, the Times' Sunday editor, dashed off a memo to his superiors suggesting that they consider adding a puzzle to the Sunday paper. The pressures and demands of the war played heavily on his mind. "We ought to proceed with the puzzle," he wrote, "especially in view of the fact that it is possible that there will now be bleak blackout hours - or if not that, then certainly a need for relaxation of some kind of other … We ought not to try to do anything essentially different from what is now being done - except to do it better." Markel had met with Margaret Petherbridge Farrar, senior crossword puzzle editor at Simon & Schuster, and he attached a memo from her:
The Herald Tribune runs the best puzzle page in existence so far, but they have gotten into a bit of a rut. Their big puzzle never ventures even one imaginative definition, and lacks the quality that I believe can be achieved and maintained. We could, I dare to predict, get the edge on them. I don't think I have to sell you on the increased demand for this kind of pastime in an increasingly worried world. You can't think of your troubles while solving a crossword …

Getting Started

The argument worked. The Times hired Farrar away from Simon & Schuster and made her its crossword editor, a position she held until she retired in 1969. The first puzzle appeared on February 15, 1942, in the Sunday magazine section. (Weekday puzzles weren't added until September 1950.) "The puzzle," writes Times reporter Richard Shepard, "was an instant success." Under Margaret Farrar's direction, the crossword "constructors" (freelance puzzle makers) developed a clever and elaborate style. Instead of giving clues like "Stinging insect" (bee) and "Bird's home" (nest), they phrased them as "Nectar inspector" and "Nutcracker's suite." The Times' clever, whimsical style almost single-handedly ushered in a crossword renaissance, as newspapers all over the U.S. followed its lead. Today, more than 90 percent of newspapers around the world have crossword puzzles, and, according to a study by the U.S. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 26 percent of people who read newspapers regularly attempt to solve them.

Setting the Pace

The New York Times crossword puzzle sets the standard that other puzzles follow. Here are just some of the informal (but strictly followed) "rules" that were established by the Times' example: There can be no unkeyed letters - letters that appear in only one word of the puzzle. Every single letter of the puzzle must be part of both a horizontal and a vertical word.
  • The black and white pattern must be "diagonally symmetrical."
  • The black squares should not take up more than one-sixth of the total design.
  • The puzzle shouldn't have "dirty double-crossers" - that is, obscure words should not intersect one another.

Puzzling Facts

  • The Times estimates that it takes the average puzzler half an hour to solve the 15-square-by-15-square daily puzzle, and two hours to solve the much larger Sunday puzzle.
  • The Times daily puzzles are designed to get progressively harder from Monday through Saturday. The Saturday puzzle is nearly impossible for anyone but experts to solve. The Sunday puzzle is even worse. The paper figures that the weekend puzzles should be the hardest, because that's when people have the most time to work on them.
  • Constructing the crossword puzzles take a lot more time than solving them. "It takes me a day to make a Times Sunday puzzle," says Maura B. Jacobson, one of the Times' constructors. "I spend at least 10 or 12 hours making definitions. My research takes a day, then a day to get the words into the diagram to make them cross. But the hardest is making the definitions."
  • Making a puzzle that lives up to The New York Times standards isn't easy - Eugene Maleska, the paper's crossword editor in 1992, estimates that there aren't more than 600 people in the entire country skilled enough to do it. And the puzzles have to be thoroughly edited before the go to press. "I and all editors change about a third of the definitions," Maleska told reporters in 1992. "I have a notebook filled with definitions so I don't repeat them."
  • The New York Times goes to great length not to offend anyone with its puzzles. Words as innocuous as "bra" are forbidden, as are the names of illegal drugs. Words such as "ale" and "rum" are considered to be at the extreme limit of good taste - they are permitted but aren't used often.
The article above is reprinted from The Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader. Since 1988, the Bathroom Reader Institute had published a series of popular books containing irresistible bits of trivia and obscure yet fascinating facts. If you like Neatorama, you'll love the Bathroom Reader Institute's books - go ahead and check 'em out!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Crossword Basics

Edited from Wikipedia

Crossword puzzles are said to be the most popular and widespread word game in the world, yet have a short history. The first crosswords appeared in England during the 19th century. They were of an elementary kind, apparently derived from the word square, a group of words arranged so the letters read alike vertically and horizontally and printed in children's puzzle books and various periodicals.
     Crossword-like puzzles, for example Double Diamond Puzzles, appeared in the magazine St. Nicholas, published since 1873.[6]
     Another crossword puzzle appeared on September 14, 1890, in the Italian magazine Il Secolo Illustrato della Domenica. It was designed by Giuseppe Airoldi and titled "Per passare il tempo" ("To pass the time"). Airoldi's puzzle was a four-by-four grid with no shaded squares; it included horizontal and vertical clues.[7]
     On December 21, 1913, Arthur Wynne, a journalist from Liverpool, England, published a "word-cross" puzzle in the New York World that embodied most of the features of the genre as we know it. This puzzle is frequently cited as the first crossword puzzle and Wynne as the inventor. Later, the name of the puzzle was changed to "crossword".[8][9] Crossword puzzles became a regular weekly feature in the World and spread to other newspapers; the Boston Globe, for example, was publishing them at least as early as 1917.[10]
The 1920s brought a crossword puzzle fad to the
U.S. This young woman looks up “Egyptian Sun
God” in the world’s smallest crossword puzzle
dictionary, strapped to her wrist.
     By the 1920s, the crossword phenomenon was starting to attract notice. In 1921, the New York Public Library reported that "The latest craze to strike libraries is the crossword puzzle," and complained that when "the puzzle 'fans' swarm to the dictionaries and encyclopedias so as to drive away readers and students who need these books in their daily work, can there be any doubt of the Library's duty to protect its legitimate readers?"[11]
     In October 1922, newspapers published a comic strip by Clare Briggs entitled "Movie of a Man Doing the Cross-Word Puzzle," with an enthusiast muttering "87 across 'Northern Sea Bird'!!??!?!!? Hm-m-m starts with an 'M', second letter is 'U'... I'll look up all the words starting with an 'M-U...' mus-musi-mur-murd--Hot Dog! Here 'tis! Murre!"[12] 
     In 1923 a humorous squib in the Boston Globe has a wife ordering her husband to run out and "rescue the papers... the part I want is blowing down the street." "What is it you're so keen about?" "The Cross-Word Puzzle. Hurry, please, that's a good boy."[13]
     In the New Yorker's first issue, released in 1925, the "Jottings About Town" section wrote, "Judging from the number of solvers in the subway and "L" trains, the crossword puzzle bids fair to become a fad with New Yorkers." [14]
     The first book of crossword puzzles appeared in 1924, published by Simon and Schuster. "This odd-looking book with a pencil attached to it"[15] was an instant hit and crossword puzzles became the craze of 1924.
     Initially, some viewed the crossword puzzle with alarm and some expected (even hoped) that it would be a short-lived fad:
  •  In 1924, the New York Times complained of the "sinful waste in the utterly futile finding of words the letters of which will fit into a prearranged pattern, more or less complex. This is not a game at all and it hardly can be called a sport... [solvers] get nothing out of it except a primitive form of mental exercise and success or failure in any given attempt is equally irrelevant to mental development."[16] 
  • A clergyman called the working of crossword puzzles "the mark of a childish mentality" and said, "There is no use for persons to pretend that working one of the puzzles carries any intellectual value with it.".[17] 
  • In 1925, Time Magazine noted that 9 Manhattan dailies and 14 other big newspapers were carrying crosswords and quoted opposing views as to whether, "This crossword craze will positively end by June!" or "The crossword puzzle is here to stay!"[18] In 1925, the New York Times noted, with approval, a scathing critique of crosswords by The New Republic; but concluded that "Fortunately, the question of whether the puzzles are beneficial or harmful is in no urgent need of an answer. The craze evidently is dying out fast and in a few months it will be forgotten."[19] and in 1929 declared, "The cross-word puzzle, it seems, has gone the way of all fads...."[20]
  • In 1930, a correspondent noted, "Together with the Times of London, yours is the only journal of prominence that has never succumbed to the lure of the cross-word puzzle," and said that. "The craze—the fad—stage has passed, but there are still people numbering it to the millions who look for their daily cross-word puzzle as regularly as for the weather predictions."[21]
     The New York Times, however, was not to publish a crossword puzzle until 1942; today, the Times puzzle is one of the most popular in the country.
     The term crossword first appeared in a dictionary in 1930. Today, there are many popular crosswords distributed in American newspapers and online. The most prestigious (and among the most difficult to solve) are the New York Times puzzles. The first editor of the New York Times crossword was Margaret Farrar, who was editor from 1942 to 1969. She was succeeded by Will Weng, who was succeeded by Eugene T. Maleska. Since 1993, they have been edited by Will Shortz, the fourth crossword editor in Times. In 1978 Shortz founded and still directs the annual American Crossword Puzzle Tournament.
     Simon and Schuster continues to publish the Crossword Puzzle Book Series books that it began in 1924, currently under the editorship of John M. Samson. The original series ended in 2007 after 258 volumes. Since 2008, these books are now in the Mega series, appearing three times per year and each featuring 300 puzzles.
     The British cryptic crossword was imported to the US in 1968 by composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim in New York magazine. Until 2006, the Atlantic Monthly regularly featured a cryptic crossword "puzzler" by Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon, which combines cryptic clues with diabolically ingenious variations on the construction of the puzzle itself. In both cases, no two puzzles are alike in construction and the intent of the puzzle authors is to entertain with novelty, not to establish new variations of the crossword genre.
     In the United Kingdom, the Sunday Express was the first newspaper to publish a crossword on November 2, 1924, a Wynne puzzle adapted for the UK. The first crossword in Britain, according to Tony Augarde in his Oxford Guide to Word Games (1984), was in Pearson's Magazine for February 1922.

Crossword Puzzles in World War II

In 1944, Allied security officers were disturbed by the appearance, in a series of crosswords in the Daily Telegraph, of words that were secret code names for military operations planned as part of Operation Overlord. "Utah" (the code name for one of the landing sites) appeared in a puzzle on May 2, 1944. Subsequent puzzles included the landing site "Omaha" and "Mulberry"; the secret artificial harbours.
     On June 2, four days before the invasion, the puzzle included both "Neptune" (the naval operations plan) and "Overlord". The author of the puzzles, a schoolteacher named Leonard Dawe, was interviewed. The investigators concluded that the appearance of the words was not an attempt to pass messages. According to a former crossword editor of The Daily Telegraph, in 1984 a former student of Dawe's claimed that he had picked up the words from soldiers' conversations around the army camps and included them when helping Dawe to choose words to fill crossword grids.[22]
     Some cryptologists for Bletchley Park were selected after doing well in a crossword-solving competition.[23]A crossword is a word puzzle that normally takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white and black shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words or phrases, by solving clues which lead to the answers. In languages that are written left-to-right, the answer words and phrases are placed in the grid from left to right and from top to bottom. The shaded squares are used to separate the words or phrases.


The horizontal and vertical lines of white cells into which answers are written are commonly called entries or answers. The clues are usually called just that, or sometimes definitions. White cells are sometimes called lights, while the shaded cells are sometimes called darks, blanks, blocks, or just simply black squares or shaded squares.
     Squares in which answers begin are usually numbered. The clues are then referred to by these numbers and a direction, for example, "1-Across" or "2-Down". At the end of the clue the total number of letters is sometimes given, depending on the style of puzzle and country of publication. Some crosswords will also indicate the number of words in a given answer, should there be more than one.
     A white cell that is part of two entries (both across and down) is called checked, keyed, or crossed. A white cell that is part of only one entry is called unchecked, unkeyed, or uncrossed.
     The creating of crosswords is called cruciverbalism among its practitioners, who are referred to as cruciverbalists, from the Latin for cross and word. Although the terms have existed since the mid-1970s, non-cruciverbalists rarely use them, calling crossword creators constructors or (especially outside the United States) setters or compilers.

Types of Grids

Crossword grids such as those appearing in most North American newspapers and magazines feature solid areas of white squares. Every letter is checked and usually each answer is required to contain at least three letters. In such puzzles shaded squares are traditionally limited to about one-sixth of the design. Crossword grids elsewhere, such as in Britain, South Africa, India and Australia, have a lattice-like structure, with a higher percentage of shaded squares, leaving up to half the letters in an answer unchecked. For example, if the top row has an answer running all the way across, there will be no across answers in the second row.

     Another tradition in puzzle design (in North America, India and Britain particularly) is that the grid should have 180-degree rotational (also known as "radial") symmetry, so that its pattern appears the same if the paper is turned upside down. Most puzzle designs also require that all white cells be orthogonally contiguous (that is, connected in one mass through shared sides, to form a single polyomino).
     The design of Japanese crossword grids often follows two additional rules: that shaded cells may not share a side (i.e., that they may not be orthogonally contiguous) and that the corner squares must be white.
The "Swedish-Style" grid (picture crosswords) uses no clue numbers, as the clues are contained in the cells which would normally be shaded in other countries. Arrows indicate in which direction the clues have to be answered, vertical or horizontal. This style of grid is used in several countries other than Sweden, usually in magazines with pages of A4 or similar size, but also in the daily newspapers, covering entire pages. The grid often has one or more photos replacing a block of squares as a clue to one or several answers, for example, the name of a pop star, or some kind of rhyme or phrase that can be associated with the photo. These puzzles usually have no symmetry in the grid and instead often rely on a common theme (literature, music, nature, geography, events of a special year, etc.) as the foundation of the combination of illustrated clues and other blocks of clues.
     Substantial variants from the usual forms exist. Two of the common ones are barred crosswords, which use bold lines between squares (instead of shaded squares) to separate answers and circular designs, with answers entered either radially or in concentric circles. Free form crosswords (crisscross puzzles), which have simple, asymmetric designs, are often seen on school worksheets, kids' menus and other entertainment for children. Grids forming shapes other than squares are also occasionally used.
     Puzzles are often one of several standard sizes. For example, many weekday puzzles (such as the American New York Times crossword puzzle) are 15×15 squares, while weekend puzzles may be 21×21, 23×23, or 25×25. The New York Times puzzles also set a common pattern for American crosswords by increasing in difficulty throughout the week: the Monday puzzles are the easiest and the puzzles get harder until Saturday. The larger Sunday puzzle is approximately the same level of difficulty as a weekday-size Thursday puzzle.[1] This has led U.S. solvers to use the day of the week as a shorthand when describing how hard a puzzle is: i.e., an easy puzzle may be referred to as a Monday or Tuesday, a medium-difficulty puzzle as a Wednesday and a truly difficult puzzle as a Saturday. One of the smallest crosswords in general distribution is a 4×4 crossword compiled daily by John Wilmes, distributed online by USA Today as "QuickCross" and by Universal Uclick as "PlayFour."
     Typically clues appear outside the grid, divided into an across list and a Down list; the first cell of each entry contains a number referenced by the clue lists. For example, the answer to a clue labeled "17-Down" is entered with the first letter in the cell numbered "17", proceeding down from there. Numbers are almost never repeated; numbered cells are labeled consecutively, usually from left to right across each row, starting with the top row and proceeding downward. Some Japanese crosswords are numbered from top to bottom down each column, starting with the leftmost column and proceeding right.

Clues: Conventions & Types

Capitalization of answer letters is conventionally ignored; crossword puzzles are typically filled in and their answer sheets are almost universally published in all caps, except in the rare cases of ambigrams. This ensures a proper name can have its initial capital letter checked with a non-capitalizable letter in the intersecting clue. Diacritical markings in foreign loanwords (or foreign-language words appearing in English-language puzzles) are ignored for similar reasons.
     Straight or quick clues are simple definitions of the answers. Some clues may feature anagrams and these are usually explicitly described as such. Often, a straight clue is not in itself sufficient to distinguish between several possible answers (often synonyms), so the solver must make use of checks to establish the correct answer with certainty. For example, the answer to the clue "PC key" for a three-letter answer could be ESC, ALT, TAB, DEL, or INS, so until a check is filled in, giving at least one of the letters, the correct answer cannot be determined.
     In most American-style crosswords, the majority of the clues in the puzzle are straight clues, with the remainder being one of the other types described below.
     Crossword clues are generally consistent with the solutions. For instance, clues and their solutions should always agree in tense, number and degree.[2] If a clue is in the past tense, so is the answer: thus "Traveled on horseback" would be a valid clue for the solution RODE, but not for RIDE. Similarly, "Family members" would be a valid clue for AUNTS but not UNCLE, while "More joyful" could clue HAPPIER but not HAPPIEST. Some clue examples:
  • Fill-in-the-blank clues are often the easiest in a puzzle and a good place to start solving, e.g., "_____ Boleyn" = ANNE.
  • "Before and after" clues feature one word that is part of two phrases, often designated with parentheses and brackets, e.g., (Doing (____) keeper] = TIME.
  • A question mark at the end of clue usually signals that the clue/answer combination involves some sort of pun or wordplay, e.g., "Grateful?" = ASHES, since a grate might be full of them.
     Most widely-distributed American crosswords today (e.g., the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, USA Today, etc.) also contain colloquial answers (i.e., entries in the puzzle grid that try to replicate everyday colloquial language). In such a puzzle one might see phrases such as WHAT'S UP, AS IF or WHADDYA WANT.
     In the hands of any but the most skilled constructors, the constraints of the American-style grid (in which every letter is checked) usually require a fair number of answers not to be dictionary words. As a result, the following ways to clue abbreviations and other non-words, although they can be found in "straight" British crosswords, are much more common in American ones:
  • Abbreviations, the use of a foreign language, variant spellings or other unusual word tricks are indicated in the clue. A crossword creator might choose to clue the answer SEN (as in the abbreviation for "senator") as "Washington bigwig: Abbr." or "Member of Cong.", with the abbreviation in the clue indicating that the answer is to be similarly abbreviated.
  • The use of "Var." indicates the answer is a variant spelling (e.g., EMEER instead of EMIR), while the use of foreign language or a foreign place name within the clue indicates that the answer is also in a foreign language. For example, ETE (été, French for "summer") might be clued as "summer, in the Sorbonne". ROMA could be clued as "Italia's capital", whereas the clue "Italy's capital" would indicate the English spelling Rome.
  • The eight possible abbreviations for a position on a compass, e.g., NNW (north-northwest) or ESE (east-southeast), occur with some frequency. They can be clued as simply "Compass point", where the desired answer is determined by a combination of logic—since the third letter can be only E or W and the second letter can be only N or S— and a process of elimination using checks. Alternatively, compass point answers are more frequently clued as "XXX to YYY direction", where XXX and YYY are two place names. For example, SSW might be clued as "New York to Washington DC dir". Similarly, a clue such as "Right on the map" means EAST. A clue could also consist of objects that point a direction, e.g., "vane dir." or "windsock dir.".
     Roman numerals and arithmetic involving them, frequently appear as well; the clue "IV times III" (4×3) would yield XII (12).
     In addition, partial answers are allowed in American-style crosswords, where the answer represents part of a longer phrase. For example, the clue "Mind your _____ Qs" gives the answer PSAND (Ps and).
Non-dictionary phrases are also allowed in answers. Thus, the clue "Mocked" could result in the grid entry LAUGHED AT.

Crossword Themes

Many American crossword puzzles feature a "theme" consisting of a number of long entries (generally three to five in a standard 15×15-square "weekday-size" puzzle) that share some relationship, type of pun, or other element in common. As an example, the New York Times crossword of April 26, 2005 by Sarah Keller, edited by Will Shortz, featured five themed entries ending in the different parts of a tree: SQUAREROOT, TABLELEAF, WARDROBETRUNK, BRAINSTEM and BANKBRANCH.
     The above is an example of a category theme, where the theme elements are all members of the same set. Other types of themes include:
  • Quote themes, featuring a famous quote broken up into parts to fit in the grid (and usually clued as "Quote, part 1", "Quote, part 2", etc.)
  • Rebus themes, where multiple letters or even symbols occupy a single square in the puzzle (e.g., BERMUDAΔ)
  • Addition themes, where theme entries are created by adding a letter, letters, or word(s) to an existing word or phrase. For example, "Crucial pool shot?" = CRITICAL MASSE (formed by taking the phrase "critical mass" and adding an "e" on the end. All the theme entries in a given puzzle must be formed by the same process (so another entry might be "Greco-Roman buddy?" = WRESTLING MATE—"wrestling mat" with an "e" added on). An example of a multiple-letter addition (and one that does not occur at the end of the entry) might be "Crazy about kitchen storage?" = CABINET FEVER (derived from "cabin fever").[3]
  • Subtraction themes, the reverse of the above, where letters are removed to make a new word or phrase.[3]
  • Compound themes, where the starts or ends of the theme entries can all precede or follow another word, which is given elsewhere in the puzzle. For example, a puzzle with theme entries that begin with PAPER, BALL and WATER and elsewhere in the puzzle, the word BOY clued as "Word that can follow the start of [theme entries]".[3]
  • Anniversary or tribute themes, commemorating a specific person, place, or event. For example, on October 7, 2011 the New York Times crossword commemorated the life of Apple CEO Steve Jobs who had died on October 5. Theme entries related to Jobs' life included MACINTOSH, PIXAR, THINK DIFFERENT, CREATIVE GENIUS, STEVE JOBS and APPLE.[3][4]
  • Synonym themes, where the theme entries all contain synonyms, e.g., a Los Angeles Times puzzle featuring a set of theme entries that contain the words RAVEN, JET, EBONY and SABLE, all synonyms for "black"[3]
  • Numerous other types have been identified, including spoonerisms, poems, shifted letters, rhyming phrases, puns, homophones and combinations of two or more of other types of themes.[3]
     The Simon & Schuster Crossword Puzzle Series has published many unusual themed crosswords. "Rosetta Stone", by Sam Bellotto Jr., incorporates a Caesar cipher cryptogram as the theme; the key to breaking the cipher is the answer to 1 across. Another unusual theme requires the solver to use the answer to a clue as another clue. The answer to that clue is the real solution.

Indirect Clues

Many puzzles feature clues involving wordplay which are to be taken metaphorically or in some sense other than their literal meaning, requiring some form of lateral thinking. Depending on the puzzle creator or the editor, this might be represented either with a question mark at the end of the clue or with a modifier such as "maybe" or "perhaps". In more difficult puzzles, the indicator may be omitted, increasing ambiguity between a literal meaning and a wordplay meaning. Examples:
  • "Half a dance" could clue CAN (half of CANCAN) or CHA (half of CHACHA).
  • If taken literally, "Start of spring" could clue MAR (for March), but it could also clue ESS, the spelled-out form of the starting letter S.
  • "Nice summer?" clues ETE, summer in Nice, France (été being French for "summer"), rather than a nice (pleasant) summer. This clue also takes advantage of the fact that in American-style crosswords, the initial letter of a clue is always capitalized, whether or not it is a proper noun. In this clue, the initial capitalization further obscures whether the clue is referring to "nice" as in "pleasant" or "Nice" as in the French city.
  • "Pay addition", taken literally, clues BONUS. When taken as an indirect clue, however, it could also clue OLA (the addition of -ola to pay- results in PAYOLA).

Cryptic Crosswords

In cryptics, as only half of the letters are typically checked and as there is usually no theme, grid construction is far easier and the constructor focuses instead on the difficult task of creating clues that contain a straight definition, a cryptic definition and a "surface" meaning (each clue must parse as a phrase).
     Not to be confused with cryptograms, a different form of puzzle based on a substitution cipher, in cryptic crosswords (often called "cryptics") the clues are puzzles in themselves. A typical clue contains both a definition at the beginning or end of the clue and wordplay, which describes the word indicated by the definition and which may not parse logically. Cryptics usually give the length of their answers in parentheses after the clue. Certain signs indicate different wordplay. Cryptics have a steeper "learning curve" than standard crosswords, as learning to interpret the different types of cryptic clues can take some practice. In Great Britain and throughout much of the Commonwealth, cryptics of varying degrees of difficulty are featured in many newspapers.
     There are several types of wordplay used in cryptics. One is straightforward definition substitution using parts of a word. For example, in one puzzle by Mel Taub, the answer IMPORTANT is given the clue "To bring worker into the country may prove significant". The explanation is that to import means "to bring into the country", the "worker" is a worker ant and "significant" means important. Here, "significant" is the straight definition (appearing here at the end of the clue), "to bring worker into the country" is the wordplay definition and "may prove" serves to link the two. Note that in a cryptic clue, there is almost always only one answer that fits both the definition and the wordplay, so that when one sees the answer, one knows that it is the right answer—although it can sometimes be a challenge to figure out why it is the right answer. A good cryptic clue should provide a fair and exact definition of the answer, while at the same time being deliberately misleading.
     Another type of wordplay used in cryptics is the use of homophones. For example, the clue "A few, we hear, add up (3)" is the clue for SUM. The straight definition is "add up", meaning "totalize". The solver must guess that "we hear" indicates a homophone and so a homophone of a synonym of "A few" ("some") is the answer. Other words relating to sound or hearing can be used to signal the presence of a homophone clue (e.g., "aloud", "audibly", "in conversation", etc.).
     The double meaning is commonly used as another form of wordplay. For example, "Cat's tongue (7)" is solved by PERSIAN, since this is a type of cat, as well as a tongue, or language. This is the only type of cryptic clue without wordplay—both parts of the clue are a straight definition.
     Cryptics often include anagrams, as well. The clue "Ned T.'s seal cooked is rather bland (5,4)" is solved by NEEDS SALT. The straight definition is "is rather bland" and the word "cooked" is a hint to the solver that this clue is an anagram (the letters have been "cooked", or jumbled up). Ignoring all punctuation, "Ned T.'s seal" is an anagram for NEEDS SALT. Besides "cooked", other common hints that the clue contains an anagram are words such as "scrambled", "mixed up", "confused", "baked" or "twisted".
     Embedded words are another common trick in cryptics. The clue "Bigotry aside, I'd take him (9)" is solved by APARTHEID. The straight definition is "bigotry" and the wordplay explains itself, indicated by the word "take" (since one word "takes" another): "aside" means APART and I'd is simply ID, so APART and ID "take" HE (which is, in cryptic crossword usage, a perfectly good synonym for "him"). The answer could be elucidated as APART(HE)ID.
     Another common clue type is the "hidden clue" or "container", where the answer is hidden in the text of the clue itself. For example, "Made a dug-out, buried and passed away (4)" is solved by DEAD. The answer is written in the clue: "maDE A Dug-out". "Buried" indicates that the answer is embedded within the clue.
     There are numerous other forms of wordplay found in cryptic clues. Backwards words can be indicated by words like "climbing", "retreating", or "ascending" (depending on whether it is an across clue or a down clue) or by directional indicators such as "going North" (meaning upwards) or "West" (right-to-left); letters can be replaced or removed with indicators such as "nothing rather than excellence" (meaning replace E in a word with O); the letter I can be indicated by "me" or "one;" the letter O can be indicated by "naught", "nothing", "zero", or "a ring" (since it visually resembles one); the letter X might be clued as "a cross", or "ten" (as in the Roman numeral), or "an illiterate's signature", or "sounds like your old flame" (homophone for "ex").  
     "Senselessness" is solved by "e", because "e" is what remains after removing (less) "ness" from "sense".
With the different types of wordplay and definition possibilities, the composer of a cryptic puzzle is presented with many different possible ways to clue a given answer. Most desirable are clues that are clean but deceptive, with a smooth surface reading (that is, the resulting clue looks as natural a phrase as possible). The Usenet newsgroup rec.puzzles.crosswords has a number of clueing competitions where contestants all submit clues for the same word and a judge picks the best one.
     In principle, each cryptic clue is usually sufficient to define its answer uniquely, so it should be possible to answer each clue without use of the grid. In practice, the use of checks is an important aid to the solver.

The First Entries

In the 'Quick' crossword in the Daily Telegraph newspaper (Sunday and Daily, UK), it has become a convention also to make the first few words (usually two or three, but can be more) into a phrase. For example, "Dimmer, Allies" would make "Demoralize" or "You, ill, never, walk, alone" would become "You'll never walk alone". This generally aids solvers in that if they have one of the words then they can attempt to guess the phrase. This has also become popular among other British newspapers.

Double-Clue Lists

Sometimes newspapers publish one grid that can be filled by solving either of two lists of clues - usually a straight and a cryptic. The solutions given by the two lists may be different, in which case the solver must decide at the outset which list they are going to follow, or the solutions may be identical, in which case the straight clues offer additional help for a solver having difficulty with the cryptic clues. For example, the solution APARTHEID might be clued as "Bigotry aside, I'd take him (9)" in the cryptic list and "Racial separation (9)" in the straight list. Usually the straight clue matches the straight part of the cryptic clue, but this is not necessarily the case.
     Every issue of GAMES Magazine contains a large crossword with a double-clue list, under the title The World's Most Ornery Crossword; both lists are straight and arrive at the same solution, but one list is significantly more challenging than the other. The solver is prompted to fold a page in half, showing the grid and the hard clues; the easy clues are tucked inside the fold, to be referenced if the solver gets stuck.
     A variant of the double-clue list is commonly called Siamese Twins: two matching grids are provided and the two clue lists are merged such that the two clues for each entry are displayed together in random order. Determining which clue is to be applied to which grid is part of the puzzle.

Other Clue Variations

Any type of puzzle may contain cross-references, where the answer to one clue forms part of another clue, in which it is referred to by number and direction. E.g., a puzzle might have 1-Across clued as "Central character in The Lord of the Rings" = FRODO, with 17-Down clued as "Precious object for 1-Across" = RING.
     When an answer is composed of multiple or hyphenated words, some crosswords (especially in Britain) indicate the structure of the answer. For example, "(3,5)" after a clue indicates that the answer is composed of a three-letter word followed by a five-letter word. Most American-style crosswords do not provide this information.
     Here is a small example of a regular crossword, to illustrate the format:






1. Sheep sound (3)
3. Neither liquid nor gas (5)
5. Humour (3)

1. Road passenger transport (3)
2. To permit (5)
4. Shortened form of Dorothy (3)

The solution to this crossword is:


A set of cryptic clues that provide the same answers as above might be:

1. Start of announcement by British Airways sounds woolly? (3)
3. I sold out for real (5)
5. Wilde's intelligence (3)

1. Ferry sees submarine rising (3)
2. Now without its initial after every warrant (5)
4. Do time? There's a point (3)
How the clues work:

1. start of announcement = A; by = next to; British Airways = BA. Result is BA+A = BAA (which 'sounds woolly', i.e. is the sound of a sheep).
3. 'out' commonly implies an anagram (as in turned out). An anagram of I SOLD = SOLID, which means real.
5. Double-definition: (Oscar) Wilde was a famous wit and intelligence=wit. "Wilde's" in this case is a contraction of "Wilde is" and not a possessive.

1. submarine = SUB; rising = backwards (in view of this being a Down clue). Result is BUS, as a verb, meaning to ferry.
2. Now without its initial = OW; after = following; every = ALL. Result = ALL+OW = ALLOW, meaning to warrant.
4. Do = DO; time = T. Result = DO+T = DOT, meaning a point.

Major Crossword Variants

These are common crossword variants that vary more from a regular crossword than just an unusual grid shape or unusual clues; these crossword variants may be based on different solving principles and require a different solving skill set.

Cipher Crosswords

Published under various trade names (including Code Breakers, Code Crackers and Kaidoku) and not to be confused with cryptic crosswords (cipher text puzzles are commonly known as cryptograms), a cipher crossword replaces the clues for each entry with clues for each white cell of the grid - an integer from 1 to 26 inclusive is printed in the corner of each. The objective, as any other crossword, is to determine the proper letter for each cell; in a cipher crossword, the 26 numbers serve as a cipher for those letters: cells that share matching numbers are filled with matching letters and no two numbers stand for the same letter. All resultant entries must be valid words. Usually, at least one number's letter is given at the outset. English-language cipher crosswords are nearly always pangrammatic (all letters of the alphabet appear in the solution). As these puzzles are closer to codes than quizzes, they require a different skillset; many basic cryptographic techniques, such as determining likely vowels, are key to solving these. Given their pangrammaticity, a frequent start point is locating where 'Q' and 'U' must appear.

Diagramless Crosswords

In a diagramless crossword, often called a diagramless for short or, in the UK, a skeleton crossword or carte blanche, the grid offers overall dimensions, but the locations of most of the clue numbers and shaded squares are unspecified. A solver must deduce not only the answers to individual clues, but how to fit together partially built-up clumps of answers into larger clumps with properly-set shaded squares. Some of these puzzles follow the traditional symmetry rule, others have left-right mirror symmetry and others have greater levels of symmetry or outlines suggesting other shapes. If the symmetry of the grid is given, the solver can use it to his/her advantage.
     A variation is the Blankout puzzle in the Daily Mail Weekend magazine. The clues are not individually numbered, but given in terms of the rows and columns of the grid, which has rectangular symmetry. The list of clues gives hints of the locations of some of the shaded squares even before one starts solving them, e.g. there must be a shaded square where a row having no clues intersects a column having no clues.

Fill-in Crosswords

A fill-in crossword (also known as crusadex or cruzadex) features a grid and the full list of words to be entered in that grid, but does not give explicit clues for where each word goes. The challenge is figuring out how to integrate the list of words together within the grid so that all intersections of words are valid. Fill-in crosswords may often have longer word length than regular crosswords to make the crossword easier to solve and symmetry is often disregarded. Fitting together several long words is easier than fitting together several short words because there are fewer possibilities for how the long words intersect together.


A cross-number (also known as a cross-figure) is the numerical analogy of a crossword, in which the solutions to the clues are numbers instead of words. Clues are usually arithmetical expressions, but can also be general knowledge clues to which the answer is a number or year. There are also numerical fill-in crosswords.
     The Daily Mail Weekend magazine used to feature cross-numbers under the misnomer Number Word. This kind of puzzle should not be confused with a different puzzle that the Daily Mail refers to as Cross Number.

Acrostic Puzzles

An acrostic is a type of word puzzle, in eponymous acrostic form, that typically consists of two parts. The first is a set of lettered clues, each of which has numbered blanks representing the letters of the answer. The second part is a long series of numbered blanks and spaces, representing a quotation or other text, into which the answers for the clues fit. In most forms of the puzzle, the first letters of each correct clue answer, read in order from clue A on down the list, will spell out the author of the quote and the title of the work it is taken from; this can be used as an additional solving aid.


The arroword is a variant of a crossword that does not have as many black squares as a true crossword, but has arrows inside the grid, with clues preceding the arrows. It has been called the most popular word puzzle in many European countries and is often called the Scandinavian crossword, as it is believed to have originated in Sweden.[5]

Crossword Records

    According to Guinness World Records, May 15, 2007, the most prolific crossword compiler is Roger Squires of Ironbridge, Shropshire, UK. On May 14, 2007, he published his 66,666th crossword,[24] equivalent to 2 million clues. He is one of only four setters to have provided cryptic puzzles to The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, the Financial Times and The Independent. He also holds the record for the longest word ever used in a published crossword - the 58-letter Welsh town, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, clued as an anagram.
     Enthusiasts have compiled a number of record-setting achievements for the New York Times crossword, the most prestigious American-style crossword.[25]
     The lowest word count in a published weekday-size 15x15 puzzle is the January 21, 2005 New York Times crossword by Frank Longo, with just 52 words and was believed by Times crossword editor Will Shortz to be the world record for this type of puzzle.
     The fewest shaded squares in a 15x15 American crossword is 17 (leaving 208 white spaces), set by the July 27, 2012 Times crossword by Joe Krozel.[26]
     The record for most crosswords published in the New York Times is held by Manny Nosowsky, who has had 241 puzzles in that outlet.

Crosswords in Non-English Languages

From the origin in New York, crosswords have spread to many countries and languages. In languages other than English, the status of diacritics varies according to the orthography of the particular language, thus:
  • in French, Spanish and Italian, accent marks and most other diacritical markings are ignored, except the tilde in Spanish: for instance, in French, the final E of answer ÊTRE can double as the final É of CONGÉ when written ETRE and CONGE; but in Spanish, N and Ñ are distinct letters.
  • in German language crosswords, the umlauts ä, ö and ü are dissolved into ae, oe and ue and ß is dissolved into ss.
  • in Dutch crosswords, the ij digraph is considered one letter, filling one square and the IJ and the Y are considered distinct. Rules may vary in other word games.
  • in Spanish crosswords, the letters ch and ll fill two squares, although in some old crosswords (from prior to the 1996 spelling reform) they filled one square.
  • in Czech and Slovak, diacritics are respected and ch, being considered one letter, occupies one square.
  • in Irish crosswords, the accents on Á É Í Ó Ú are all respected, so (for example) the Í in SÍB cannot double as the I in SLIABH.
  • in Romanian, diacritics are ignored.
  • in Hungarian, diacritics are respected, with the exception of Ő and Ű - they are regarded similar to Ö and Ü, although the difference between the two pairs of letters is a distinctive feature in Hungarian.
  • in Russian, diacritics are ignored: Ё is considered the same as Е and Й is considered the same as И.
  • in Portuguese, diacritics are ignored with the exception of Ç. Therefore, A could be checked with à or Á. 

Grid Design, Clues & Conventions
  • French-language crosswords are smaller than English-language ones and not necessarily square: there are usually 8–13 rows and columns, totaling 81–130 squares. They need not be symmetric and two-letter words are allowed, unlike in most English-language puzzles. Compilers strive to minimize use of shaded squares. A black-square usage of 10% is typical; Georges Perec compiled many 9×9 grids for Le Point with four or even three black squares.[27] Rather than numbering the individual clues, the rows and columns are numbered as on a chessboard. All clues for a given row or column are listed, against its number, as separate sentences.  
  • This is similar to the notation used in the aforementioned Daily Mail Blankout puzzles.
  • In Italy, crosswords are usually oblong and larger than French ones, 13×21 being a common size. As in France, they usually are not symmetrical; two-letter words are allowed; and the number of shaded squares is minimized. Nouns (including surnames) and the infinitive or past participle of verbs are allowed, as are abbreviations; in larger crosswords, it is customary to put at the center of the grid phrases made of two to four words, or forenames and surnames. A variant of Italian crosswords does not use shaded squares: words are delimited by thickening the grid. Another variant starts with a blank grid: the solver must insert both the answers and the shaded squares and Across and Down clues are either ordered by row and column or not ordered at all.
  • Particularly curious is the Japanese language crossword; because of the writing system, one syllable (typically katakana) is entered into each white cell of the grid rather than one letter, resulting in the typical solving grid seeming small in comparison to those of other languages. Any second Yōon character is treated as a full syllable and is rarely written with a smaller character. Even cipher crosswords have a Japanese equivalent, although pangrammaticity does not apply. Crosswords with kanji to fill in are also produced, but in far smaller number as it takes far more effort to construct one. Despite Japanese having three writing forms, hiragana, katakana and kanji, they are rarely mixed in a single crossword puzzle.
  • In Poland, crosswords typically use British-style grids, but some do not have shaded cells. Shaded cells are often replaced by boxes with clues - such crosswords are called Swedish puzzles or Swedish-style crosswords. In a vast majority of Polish crosswords, nouns are the only allowed words.
  • Modern Hebrew is normally written with only the consonants; vowels are either understood, or entered as diacritical marks. This can lead to ambiguities in the entry of some words and compilers generally specify that answers are to be entered in ktiv male (with some vowels) or ktiv haser (without vowels). Further, since Hebrew is written from right to left, but Roman numerals are used and written from left to right, there can be an ambiguity in the description of lengths of entries, particularly for multi-word phrases. Different compilers and publications use differing conventions for both of these issues.
  • A. N. Prahlada Rao, based in Bangalore, has composed some 40,000 crossword puzzles in the language Kannada, including 7,500 crosswords based on films made in Kannada, with a total of 1200,000 (Twelve lakhs) clues.[28] A five volume set of his puzzles was released in February 2008.[29]
  • Bengali is also well known for its crossword puzzles. Crosswords are published regularly in almost all the Bengali dailies and periodicals. The grid system is quite similar to the British style and two-letter words are usually not allowed.
  • Swedish crosswords are mainly in the illustrated (photos or drawings), in-line clue style typical of the "Swedish-style grid" mentioned above. This tradition prospered already in the mid-1900s, in family magazines and sections of newspapers. Then the specialised magazines took off. Around the turn of the millennium, approximately half a dozen Swedish magazine editors produced specialized crossword magazines, totaling more than 20 titles, often published on a monthly basis. The oldest extant crossword magazine published in Swedish is Krysset[30] (from Bonnier), founded in 1957. Additionally, nearly all newspapers publish crosswords of some kind and at weekends often devote specialised sections in the paper to crosswords and similar type of pastime material. Both major evening dailies (Aftonbladet and Expressen) publish a weekly crossword supplement, named Kryss & Quiz and Korsord[31] respectively. Both are available as paid supplements on Mondays and Tuesdays, as part of the ongoing competition between the two newspapers.

American-style Crossword Construction

In typical themed American-style crosswords, the theme is created first, as a set of symmetric long Across answers will be needed around which the grid can be created.[32][33] Since the grid will typically have 180-degree rotational symmetry, the answers will need to be also: thus a typical 15×15 square American puzzle might have two 15-letter entries and two 13-letter entries that could be arranged appropriately in the grid (e.g., one 15-letter entry in the third row and the other symmetrically in the 13th row; one 13-letter entry starting in the first square of the 6th row and the other ending in the last square of the 10th row).[33][34] The theme must not only be funny and/or interesting, but also internally consistent: in the sample "parts of a tree" theme shown above, FAMILY TREE or CHARTER OAK would not be appropriate entries, as all the other entries contain different parts of a tree, not the word "tree" itself or the name of a kind of tree. SEED MONEY would also be unacceptable, as all the other theme entries end in the part of a tree as opposed to beginning with it.[32]
     Once a consistent, appropriate theme has been chosen, a grid is designed around that theme, following a set of basic principles:
     Generally, most American puzzles are 15×15 squares; if another size, they typically have an odd number of rows and columns: e.g., 21×21 for "Sunday-size" puzzles; GAMES Magazine will accept 17×17 puzzles, Simon & Schuster accepts both 17×17 and 19×19 puzzles and the New York Times requires diagramless puzzles to be 17×17.[35] The odd number of squares on a side ensures that achieving symmetry is easier; with even-numbered puzzles the central block of four squares makes constructing a symmetrical puzzle considerably more difficult.[36]
     The black squares must be arranged so as to (1) ensure there are no two-letter words; (2) form 180-degree rotational symmetry (so that if the grid is turned upside-down, the pattern of black squares remains the same); (3) ensure that every letter is checked (appears in both an Across and a Down word); (4) not occupy too much of the puzzle (generally speaking, 16% of the puzzle is considered a rough limit for the percentage of black squares); (5) ensure that the entire puzzle has "all-over interlock"—that is, that the black squares do not "cut" the puzzle into separate sections; and (6) ensure that (generally) no non-theme entry is longer than any of the theme entries. In addition, it is considered advisable to minimize the number of so-called "cheater" black squares, i.e., black squares whose removal would not change the word count of the puzzle but which make it easier to fill by shortening the length of the words therein.[33][34][37]
     The grid is then filled with suitable words, keeping in mind that (1) no word can be repeated in the grid (with the exception of prepositions or articles); (2) profanity or graphic or "unpleasant" words are generally not allowed; (3) obscurity is strongly discouraged in easy puzzles and should be kept to a minimum in more difficult puzzles, where two obscure words should never be allowed to cross (and, ideally, where the obscure word would be of interest to most solvers—a genus of little-known water bugs would not be a good choice); (4) uncommon abbreviations, variant foreign spellings should be avoided and the use of "crosswordese" (those words that no longer appear in common speech but that occur frequently in crosswords due to their favorable letter combinations, e.g., the obscure Asian buffalo ANOA) should be minimized; (5) in modern puzzles, pop figures and corporate and brand names are generally considered acceptable; (6) no made-up words are permitted—there should be a dictionary or other reference that can cite each entry, if asked.[33][37]
     Modern constructors frequently (although not always) use software to speed the task. Several programs are available, of which the most widely accepted is Crossword Compiler.[32] These programs, although they cannot create themes and cannot distinguish between "good" fill (fun, interesting words vs. dull obscurity), do speed up the process and will allow the constructor to realize if he or she has hit a dead end.[38]
     The website provides numerous resources for constructors, including forums to discuss puzzles with other constructors, construction advice from experienced constructors and specifications from the major publishers on how to submit puzzles to them and what their specific puzzle requirements are. Content available with a paid subscription includes a database of words found in major published puzzles.
     Crossword puzzle payments for standard 15×15 puzzles from the major outlets range from $50 (GAMES Magazine) to $200 (The New York Times) while payments for 21×21 puzzles range from $150 (Newsday) to $1,000 (the New York Times).[39]
     The compensation structure of crosswords generally entails authors selling all rights to their puzzles upon publication and as a result receiving no royalties from republication of their work in books or other forms. This system has been criticized by American Values Club crossword editor Ben Tausig, among others.[40]


2.        D. S. MacNutt with A. Robins, Ximenes on the art of the crossword, Methuen & Co Ltd, London (1966) p. 49.
3.        "Identified theme. types".
4.        Der, Kevin G. "New York Times crossword of October 7, 2011".
5.        "Arroword". Retrieved May 17, 2011. 
6.        "St. Nicholas. September 1875".
7.        "Storia delle parole crociate e del cruciverba" (in Italian). Crucienigmi
8.         "The Crossword Puzzle". Massachusetts Institute of Technology. August 1997
9.        "The History of Crossword Puzzles".
10.     The Boston Globe, April 8, 1917, p. 43 contains a puzzle and a solution to a previous week's puzzle.
11.     Report of the New York Public Library for 1921; published by The Library, 1922
12.     "Movie of a Man Doing the Cross-Word Puzzle," by "Briggs," Morning Oregonian, October 3, 1922, p. 14; also published in several other newspapers
13.     "There Goes My Crossword Puzzle, Get Up Please." The Boston Daily Globe, October 1, 1923, p. 7.
14.     "Jottings About Town." The New Yorker, February 25, 1925, p. 30.
15.     Frederick Lewis Allen (1931). Only Yesterday. Harper and Row. , p. 159 of 1964 Perennial Library paperback reprint
16.     "Topics of the Times." The New York Times, November 17, 1924, p. 18
17.     "Condemns Cross-Word Fad." The New York Times, December 23, 1924, p. 17
18.     "Barometer". Time Magazine. January 5, 1925. 
19.     Topics of the Times: Sees Harm, Not Education" The New York Times, March 10, 1925, p. 20,
20.     "All About the Insidious Game of Anagrams," The New York Times, December 29, 1929, p. BR3
21.     Richard H. (1930), "The Lure of the Puzzle." The New York Times, February 4, 1930, p. 20
22.     Gilbert, Val (3 May 2004). "D-Day crosswords are still a few clues short of a solution". Daily Telegraph.
23.     The Daily Telegraph - 80 Years of Cryptic Crosswords, p. 44.
24.      (Pat-Ella) "Crossword setter hits puzzling landmark", Richard Savill, Daily Telegraph, May 15, 2007
25.     "XWord Info". "XWord Info". Retrieved 2013-11-26. 
26.     "Friday, July 27, 2012 crossword by Joe Krozel". 2012-07-27. 
27.     "Histoire des mots croisés. Chapitre VI".
28.     "Making clues". 2001-05-14. Retrieved 2013-11-26. 
30.     "Krysset - klassikern med kvalitet och kunskap." (Swedish)
31.     "Dagens bilaga med Expressen - Korsord." (Swedish)
32.     Salomon, Nancy. ""Notes from a Mentor" at"
33.     Rosen, Mel (1995). Random House Puzzlemaker's Handbook. New York: Random House. ISBN 9780812925449. 
34.     Kurzban, Stanley A. (1981). The Compleat Cruciverbalist: Or How to Solve and Compose Crossword Puzzles for Fun and Profit. Van Nostrand Reinhold. ISBN 978-0442257385. 
36.     Gore, Molly (15 November 2007). "Math professor and crossword constructor gives puzzle advice". The Santa Clara (Santa Clara, California). 
38.     Holmes, Kristin E. (29 April 2007). "A passion to fit words together". Philadelphia Inquirer (archived at 

40.     Tausig, Ben (7 December 2012). "Fixing the Broken Crossword Puzzle Economy".